made of steel, light bulbs, electronics, plywood
This is not an icon for the Green Industry. In order to illuminate this tree, several trees will have to be burnt; it is an energy devourer.
Year after year the sustainability industry develops new products and practices that hardly reduce the waste of energy when all is said and done. Existing energy savers are being replaced by new ones: the green industry flourishes and thrives!
This tree appeals to the common sense.
By pulling the handle the choice is up to you, do you want to see the greedy tree consuming more or less energy. On the display you can see how many trees have te be burned in order to create this electrical energy.
The Greedy Tree was shown at the Luminale Frankfurt (DE) 2014 and at Tolhuis Tuin Amsterdam during the Amsterdam Light Festival 2015.
Concept and production by Tom Verheijen
Technics: Remon van der Lely

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